Who’s Counting Podcast Episodes

Kerri Toloczko: Election Integrity Network’s Toolbox for Citizen Patriots
July 26, 2023Election Integrity Network’s National Networks Director Kerri Toloczko came to EIN after nearly three decades in the conservative public policy movement as a policy analyst and coalition manager. Her role for EIN […]

The Continuous Loop of Progressive Election Disruption
July 12, 2023Fred Lucas is the Chief News Correspondent for The Daily Signal The Daily Signal: Policy News, Conservative Analysis and Opinion, a project of The Heritage Foundation. Starting with his high school newspaper, Fred […]

Independence Day Celebrates the “Consent of the Governed”
July 4, 2023In this special edition of Who’s Counting? With Cleta Mitchell, Cleta discusses one of the most important sentences in our founding documents. The very first paragraph of the Declaration of […]

Ep. 81: The Left’s Reign of Terror on Conservative Jurists
June 28, 2023Rule of law is under attack in America. The refusal by any attorney to go along with the orthodoxy of leftwing activist judges, ideologically driven courts, and “big law” is […]

Jerry Holland, Dedicated Public Servant in Duval County, FL
June 14, 2023Meet Jerry Holland, the incoming Supervisor of Elections in Duval County, Florida, who assumes that office on July 1, 2023. But this isn’t Jerry’s first time at the bat of […]

Robert Barnes: Sacrificing Election Confidence to Protect “Insiders”
May 31, 2023Robert Barnes, founder of the national law firm Barnes Law is a veteran of election law and civil rights cases that protect “underdogs” across the ideological spectrum. In this interview with Cleta, he […]

Cleta Mitchell: Today’s Election Integrity Patriots Honor Yesterday’s Heroes
May 24, 2023This week as Memorial Day 2023 approaches, Cleta reflects on the sacrifices made by our nation’s fallen military heroes in this special edition of Who’s Counting? The first “Memorial Day” […]

Trent England: “Alternate Voting Methods:” The Left’s Radical Models for Cementing Political Control
May 17, 2023When public policy expert Trent England saw election integrity undermined by progressive policies in his home state of Washington, he took action that has an impact at the national level. […]

Mac Warner Calls on Secretary of State Tony Blinken to Resign
May 11, 2023This week’s guest on Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell is West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner, who has called on the US Secretary of State Tony Blinken to resign […]

Tarrant County, TX Judge Tim O’Hare: Replicate This! A Local Government’s Official Election Integrity Task Force
April 19, 2023Officials in Tarrant County, Texas (Fort Worth) have taken a bold approach to keeping their elections safe and secure, and hope their model will be a blueprint for localities across […]

Jay Ashcroft, Missouri Secretary of State: Principled Election Integrity Leadership in “The Peoples’ Office”
April 12, 2023Principled Election Integrity Leadership in “The Peoples’ Office” Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft has proven to be a thought and policy leader in the election integrity movement as well […]

Ned Jones: Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections
April 5, 2023Election Integrity Network’s Citizen’s Research Project is a nationwide collaborative effort engaging volunteers who are researching the left’s billionaire-funded efforts to manipulate election results by taking over local election offices. […]

Hayden Ludwig: Documenting the Left’s Taxpayer-Funded and Subsidized Election Corruption Apparatus
March 29, 2023An experienced and expert researcher, Hayden Ludwig of Restoration of America has taken a deep dive into election integrity’s “enemy camp” and come back up with a treasure trove of detail, documentation and […]

Jason Frazier: A Citizen Voter Roll Cleanup Expert in Fulton County, Georgia: Describing the Mess He’s Trying to Clean Up… Try 12,000 Duplicates in the Fulton County Voter Rolls! And more…. What a hero!
March 22, 2023Cleta interviews Jason Frazier, a citizen volunteer, and self-described ‘data geek’ who has taken it upon himself to examine the voter rolls in his home county of Fulton County, GA. […]

Broken Faith: How Ranked (Rigged) Choice Voting Suppressed the Vote – and the Voices of the Citizens – in Alaska in 2022
March 15, 2023The 2022 Republican nominee for Alaska’s US Senate seat Kelly Tshibaka describes in this Episode of Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell how Alaska’s Ranked “Rigged” Choice Voting worked in the […]

Mac Warner: Turning Over The Rocks of Election Integrity’s Critical Infrastructure
March 8, 2023West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner is a West Point graduate and attorney who served in the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Corps. As such, he knows the law […]

Dave Carver: New Jersey’s Inspirational Voter Rolls Accuracy Activist and Leader
March 1, 2023Dave Carver of New Jersey was a senior pharmaceutical executive with decades of experience in federally regulated data and software, with a gift for spotting anomalies and irregularities in data. […]

Marci McCarthy: A Citizen Patriot Dedicated to restoring FITness to Georgia Elections: Faith, Integrity and Trust (FIT)
February 22, 2023Georgia’s Marci McCarthy is Chairman of the DeKalb County GOP and a fierce warrior for election integrity. Her commitment is to never see a repeat of what she witnessed in […]

Transparency: Election integrity’s “secret sauce”
February 15, 2023Ken Cuccinelli is the National Chairman for the Election Transparency Initiative, a joint election integrity project of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and the American Principles Project. A long-time public […]