
Ep. 81: The Left’s Reign of Terror on Conservative Jurists

Rule of law is under attack in America. The refusal by any attorney to go along with the orthodoxy of leftwing activist judges, ideologically driven courts, and “big law” is having significant consequences for patriotic lawyers devoted to truth and fairness — and the very foundation of our legal system as well.

One such attorney is California’s Dr. John Eastman, a constitutional conservative and legal scholar currently under disbarment procedures in that state for expressing concerns about the integrity of the 2020 elections and worse, presenting legal theories as to what might be done about a clearly flawed election.

Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. Eastman’s pursuit of liberty and freedom under our justice system has been thwarted at many turns, including his commitment to providing pro-bono representation to conservative organizations against the onslaught of progressive tyranny.

Lawyers around the country were persecuted – and now even prosecuted – by “their own” when they came out in defense of President Trump. Do all Americans no longer have a right to counsel? Do novel legal theories not have a right to be heard if they are not in lock step with the leftwing legal mob? What is justice in today’s legal arena where it seems that the witches are themselves in charge of the witch hunt?

The left has weaponized our legal system against some of its most honorable practitioners. Meritless disbarment procedures are the stuff of ideological warlords and a threat to free people. As Dr. Eastman discusses with Cleta, his tale is a cautionary one, and one that needs to be told.

Watch/Listen as Cleta and Dr. Eastman discuss this national epidemic of lawless lawyering and what we can do to stop it.

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