Who’s Counting Podcast Episodes

Who’s Counting Banned from YouTube
August 10, 2022The Department of Justice is supposed to be nonpartisan, dedicated solely to equal justice under law. With the unprecedented raid this week of former President Trump’s home and office at […]

Biden Executive Order: Federal Agencies to Use Tax Dollars for Democratic Political Campaign Plans in 2022 Election
August 3, 2022One of the lefty publications in Washington, POLITICO, published an attempted hit piece attacking Cleta Mitchell this week for her presentation at the Arizona Election Integrity Summit in March 2022 – during which Cleta talked about […]

Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin: Louisiana’s Election Integrity Pioneer
July 13, 2022A self-described “political nerd” at a young age, native Louisianan Kyle Ardoin recognized public service was a role for people of integrity who respect the rule of law. As Louisiana’s Secretary […]

North Carolina leader Jim Womack: Election Integrity is a Call to Duty for Patriots
June 29, 2022A graduate of West Point, North Carolina’s Jim Womack has served his country through 20 years in the Army, as a civilian contractor in the technology sphere for both the […]

Michigan’s Patrick Colbeck: Uncovering the Sign Posts of Vote Fraud
June 22, 2022Former Michigan State Senator and native Michigander Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer whose knowledge and expertise of “critical infrastructure components” has led him to become a state leader in […]

Ron Armstrong: Equip and Empower: How one grassroots group is guiding election integrity in Michigan
June 8, 2022Ron Armstrong, President of Stand Up Michigan, is a man who refuses to sit down. He is a passionate advocate for election integrity in a state with a tyrannical liberal governor […]

Patrice Johnson: Turning the Election Integrity Lights On In Michigan
May 25, 2022Patrice Johnson is a native Michigander and resident of central Michigan. Her experience as a trade association executive and entrepreneur in the early days of the Internet have provided her […]

Maureen Riordan: Justice Denied: A First-Hand Account of the Left’s Takeover of the Department of Justice Voting Section
May 18, 2022Election law attorney Maureen Riordan currently serves as Litigation Counsel for the non-profit election integrity law firm, The Public Interest Legal Foundation, pursuing cases to enforce election integrity principles of […]

Heather Honey: More ballots than voters is the tip of the iceberg for election integrity investigator
May 11, 2022Heather Honey lives in rural Pennsylvania, with corn in her backyard and election integrity on her mind. With a background in corporate investigations, open-source research and supply chain auditing, she […]

Linda Kerns: A Hero Attorney Battles it out in Philadelphia’s Election Integrity War Zone
April 28, 2022Linda Kerns is a native Philadelphian and election integrity lawyer who has made it her professional mission to create a culture of clean and fair elections in the City of […]

Defend Florida drives election integrity through data and relationships
April 20, 2022An expert sheep herder as a young boy in Israel, Defend Florida co-founder Ro Grosman could never have imagined he would later use similar skills in creating an election integrity movement in […]

Raj Doraisamy: Defend Florida builds election integrity By the People and For the People
April 14, 2022When Defend Florida co-founder Raj Doraisamy sat with Cleta to discuss his organization’s election integrity projects, he first spoke of growing up in African nations where freedom was scarce and […]

Linda Szynkowicz’s citizen-based “Silent Army” battles for Clean Voter Rolls….everywhere!
April 6, 2022Linda Szynkowicz of Middletown, Connecticut noticed something strange when she first ran for state representative in 2014. Campaign flyers mailed to “newly registered” voters were returned to her by the […]

Arizona’s Gina Swoboda: A Passionate Election Integrity Expert Dedicated to Ensuring Transparency of Voter Rolls and Accountability of the Election Systems
March 23, 2022v During CPI’s Arizona Statewide Election Integrity Network Summit in March of 2022, Cleta sat down with election integrity powerhouse Gina Swoboda, who has singlehandedly made great progress in making every state’s […]

Scott Rasmussen: The pioneer of polling reveals the voting safeguards Americans trust to restore election integrity
March 11, 2022When sports fan Scott Rasmussen joined his father Bill to co-found ESPN in 1979 as documented in Bill’s book Sports Junkies Rejoice: The Birth of ESPN, he never imagined his career […]

Virginia Institute for Public Policy President Lynn Taylor talks about the “Virginia Model” of citizen engagement that created election integrity success in Virginia in 2021
March 2, 2022Lynn Taylor, president of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, describes in this episode of “Who’s Counting?” how thousands of Virginians, who saw disturbing irregularities in Virginia’s 2020 presidential election, decided to take […]

Garland Favorito, Election Integrity Expert in Georgia, Joins Cleta Mitchell
February 24, 2022Garland Favorito is the founder and leader of VoterGA.org. Garland is a career Information Technology (IT) professional with over 40 years of in-depth experience and over 17 years of volunteer research into electronic […]

Against all odds, The Real Findings of the Arizona Senate Audit of Maricopa County’s Conduct of the 2020 General Election with Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann
February 18, 2022When Arizona’s Senate President Karen Fann’s office received numerous reports of potential voting irregularities from Maricopa County voters after the 2020 election, she took a strong leadership role to investigate, identify […]

Wisconsin State Rep. Janel Brantjen takes “no holds barred” approach in curing election corruption
February 10, 2022As chair of the Wisconsin State Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections, Republican State Assemblywoman Janet Brantjen has held hearings and collected documentary evidence about the corruption by some of […]

Broken…but FIXABLE: PA Rep. Seth Grove reveals deep corruption and disregard of the rule of law in the Pennsylvania elections in 2020
February 2, 2022Pennsylvania State Representative Seth Grove (R-York), Chairman of the House State Government Committee, has relentlessly identified myriad problems with the state’s election systems including the uneven application of voting statutes, ignored in […]

The Honorable Claudia Tenney (R-NY) House Election Integrity Caucus Co-Chair
January 26, 2022New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenney is an attorney and small business owner who has first-hand experience with liberal partisan gerrymandering and interference in ballot integrity in her district at the […]

The Honorable Mac Warner: Retired Army Officer, West Point Graduate, Sixth Generation West Virginian. Current Secretary of State of West Virginia
January 19, 2022Mac Warner is a true American patriot and hero. While completing his final deployment in Afghanistan as an officer of the US Army, Secretary Warner filed his candidate papers to […]

Ned Jones: Businessman, citizen volunteer, and patriot, describing how he discovered the startling infiltration by leftist entities in our election system
January 14, 2022After the November 2020 election, Ned Jones began asking questions about how elections really work. He wondered who influences the election officials, who does business with the election offices, who are […]

The liberal assault on the family is the catalyst for citizen-based election integrity advocacy
January 12, 2022As part of Virginia Week in the Election Integrity Network, join Cleta today as she talks with Shelley Oberlander, Chairman of the Loudon County, Virginia Election Integrity Task Force. Loudon […]