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Michigan’s Patrick Colbeck: Uncovering the Sign Posts of Vote Fraud
June 22, 2022Former Michigan State Senator and native Michigander Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer whose knowledge and expertise of “critical infrastructure components” has led him to become a state leader in […]
Yahoo News: That’s a “No,” Joe: Louisiana takes another strong stand for election integrity
June 14, 2022In March 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 14019, directing federal agencies to use tax dollars for Democrat Get Out The Vote programs. It directs agencies to ask citizens calling in […]
Daily Mail: “There’s no vote fraud” until a Democrat Congressman pleads guilty to it
June 14, 2022Philadelphia is well known among election integrity advocates as a hotbed of ballot corruption and manipulation. One would expect the usual leftist activists to be committing these vote crimes. This […]

Ron Armstrong: Equip and Empower: How one grassroots group is guiding election integrity in Michigan
June 8, 2022Ron Armstrong, President of Stand Up Michigan, is a man who refuses to sit down. He is a passionate advocate for election integrity in a state with a tyrannical liberal governor […]
The Daily Caller: New voting integrity laws in Georgia produce record voter turnout
June 2, 2022When Georgia passed new election integrity laws in 2021, liberals embarked on a misinformation tour claiming it would suppress minority voters. President Biden called it “Jim Crow 2.0” But, oops. Georgia’s […]

Lawyer Who Plotted to Overturn Trump Loss Recruits Election Deniers to Watch Over the Vote
June 2, 2022Voters want free and fair elections, and Election Integrity Network works every day to ensure we have them. But the left does not. In this “magnificent” hit piece on our […]

Patrice Johnson: Turning the Election Integrity Lights On In Michigan
May 25, 2022Patrice Johnson is a native Michigander and resident of central Michigan. Her experience as a trade association executive and entrepreneur in the early days of the Internet have provided her […]
Daily Caller: Here we go again: Another round of muddled election results in Pennsylvania
May 23, 2022As Jason Snead of Honest Elections Project Action points out in this piece about the latest election integrity disaster in Pennsylvania: “Americans are fed up. They want elections they can […]
Washington Free Beacon: Republicans must always be united for Election Integrity
May 23, 2022Weak voter ID requirements in Michigan have led to questions about the security of the state’s ballots and caused confusion and a lack of confidence for voters. It is no […]

Maureen Riordan: Justice Denied: A First-Hand Account of the Left’s Takeover of the Department of Justice Voting Section
May 18, 2022Election law attorney Maureen Riordan currently serves as Litigation Counsel for the non-profit election integrity law firm, The Public Interest Legal Foundation, pursuing cases to enforce election integrity principles of […]