Just The News: Newsom’s mail-in ballot dump: If you can’t beat ‘em, cheat ‘em

August 25, 2021

Last year, using Covid as an excuse, California Governor Gavin Newsom changed election laws regarding mail-in ballots that opened a new opportunity for organized fraud for the state’s progressive vote-cheating […]

Redstate: Black leaders: Democrat election changes in H.R. 4 will hurt people of color

Three of the nation’s conservative African-American leaders issued a strong statement that H.R. 4 voting changes (John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act) dishonors Rep. Lewis’ legacy. Former Ohio Secretary of […]

The Federalist: The left’s successful plan: militant partisan leadership at the DOJ

August 24, 2021

Election integrity advocates Hans von Spakovsky and Christian Adams were once career attorneys at the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division where “hostile left-wing ideologues” deliberately created a pool of anti-election integrity […]

The Hill: Support for voter ID still increasing among African-American voters

A recent poll by the Honest Elections Project revealed the liberal media’s worst nightmare: overall support for using government-issued ID to confirm identity while voting is high. Between March and July, Honest […]

Washington Examiner: RNC report show loss of ballot safety as a symptom of Covid

The entire progressive movement wants voters to believe a lie — that there was no vote fraud in the 2020 elections. Although the big question remains “was it enough?” there […]

The Heritage Foundation Statement: The H.R. 4 John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act makes it easy to cheat and hard to protect voters

August 20, 2021

The Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James and Hans von Spakovsy, Manager of its Election Law Reform Initiative have issued a strong statement noting that H.R. 4’s pathway to federal […]

Independent Women’s Forum: House Democrat report tortures data to falsely justify the left’s need to steal states’ Constitutional election rights

The left will do anything to bolster its false premise that America’s 50 states can’t conduct “fair” elections.  They manipulate data and invent false narratives to prove their point. House Democrats’ […]

Committee on House Administration report: States’ primary constitutional authority over elections is determined by the Constitution — not Speaker Pelosi

Over 230 years of American voting traditions show that states have primary authority over elections; this is also fully settled in Constitutional law. Yet, leftists and their Democrat allies continue […]

New! EIN Messaging Fact Sheet and Polling Data on the Federal Takeover of Elections

August 17, 2021

The disconnect between liberal activists and politicians and the American public is clear in this messaging resource from Election Integrity Network that is full of facts and polling data. The […]

EIN provides details of Nancy Pelosi’s dangerous election power grab

A unilateral power grab is always bad policy, but in the case of election protocols, it can spell disaster for voters of all parties and our Constitutional freedoms. This EIN […]

CNSNEWS: Ken Blackwell notes Democracy only survives when We The People can see inside

August 12, 2021

“Democracy depends on transparency” notes Ken Blackwell of the Center For Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute and the Public Interest Legal Foundation. He notes we must thoroughly […]

Politico: Tone deaf Pelosi and Schumer to push for their “voting rights” power grab bill

Pushback within their caucus and a preponderance of polling that shows the American people oppose a takeover of state election systems left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader […]

Rasmussen Poll: Liberal advocacy group gets American views on election integrity all wrong

Liberal elite policy manipulators and their political allies continue to use false accusations of “voter suppression’ to halt policies that protect voters while promoting policies that steal ballot integrity from […]

The Daily Caller: Manchin says no “carveout” but what about a “cavein?”

August 10, 2021

Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kysten Sinema R-AZ) refuse to vote for any suspension of the filibuster regardless of the reason. This makes it nearly impossible for Senate Democrats to […]

Austin American-Statesman: Texas Democrat slammed fraud-prone mail-in voting

In 2007, Texas Democrat Rafael Anchia urged fellow state House members to oppose a “weak” vote security bill, in part because it allowed vote by mail without ID — an […]

Quinnipiac University poll: The importance of Question 20

In recent polling covering myriad issues, questions on vote fraud revealed important data. Asked if vote fraud was a bigger problem than suppression, Americans were more concerned about fraud (47% […]

Cleta Mitchell in The Federalist: Reject Democrats’ attempt to sabotage the “Consent of the Governed” via the John Lewis bill

August 2, 2021

Every day is Independence Day in America when our voting rights are secure. CPI’s Senior Legal Fellow for Election Integrity, election attorney Cleta Mitchell writes that one of America’s founding […]

John Lewis Bill would turn elections over to leftist partisans at the Department of Justice: House Judiciary Hearing testimony reveals partisan corruption at DOJ

Maureen Riordan, now a litigation attorney with the Public Interest Legal Foundation served 18 years in the Voting Rights Section of the DOJ. In her House testimony on June 29, […]

Senator Cruz and Ken Cuccinelli: Jim Crow truths in under three minutes – Senate Judiciary Committee

In a recent Senate Judiciary hearing, former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli of the Election Transparency Project of the American Principles Project and the Susan B. Anthony List lays out […]

John Lewis Bill would turn elections over to leftist partisans at the Department of Justice: House Judiciary Hearing testimony reveals partisan corruption at DOJ

August 1, 2021

Maureen Riordan, now a litigation attorney with the Public Interest Legal Foundation served 18 years in the Voting Rights Section of the DOJ. In her House testimony on June 29, […]

Poll: Voters do not want to give up their rights to special interests and the federal government

A recent survey of voters by the Foundation for Government Accountability reveals what most of us already knew — the majority of Americans have common sense when it comes to […]

Hans von Spakovky in the Daily Signal: Former Justice Department Lawyer Testifies to Voting Section’s History of Abusing Its Authority

As a veteran of the DOJ, The Heritage Foundation’s Han von Spakovsky has seen the influence of liberal activists at the DOJ’s Voting Rights Section who operate under a destructive […]

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