General News
Yahoo News: That’s a “No,” Joe: Louisiana takes another strong stand for election integrity
June 14, 2022In March 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 14019, directing federal agencies to use tax dollars for Democrat Get Out The Vote programs. It directs agencies to ask citizens calling in […]
Daily Mail: “There’s no vote fraud” until a Democrat Congressman pleads guilty to it
Philadelphia is well known among election integrity advocates as a hotbed of ballot corruption and manipulation. One would expect the usual leftist activists to be committing these vote crimes. This […]
The Daily Caller: New voting integrity laws in Georgia produce record voter turnout
June 2, 2022When Georgia passed new election integrity laws in 2021, liberals embarked on a misinformation tour claiming it would suppress minority voters. President Biden called it “Jim Crow 2.0” But, oops. Georgia’s […]

Lawyer Who Plotted to Overturn Trump Loss Recruits Election Deniers to Watch Over the Vote
Voters want free and fair elections, and Election Integrity Network works every day to ensure we have them. But the left does not. In this “magnificent” hit piece on our […]
Daily Caller: Here we go again: Another round of muddled election results in Pennsylvania
May 23, 2022As Jason Snead of Honest Elections Project Action points out in this piece about the latest election integrity disaster in Pennsylvania: “Americans are fed up. They want elections they can […]
Washington Free Beacon: Republicans must always be united for Election Integrity
Weak voter ID requirements in Michigan have led to questions about the security of the state’s ballots and caused confusion and a lack of confidence for voters. It is no […]
Communists Party USA: Communists make common cause with anti-election security Democrats
May 13, 2022“Good heavens,” you ask. “Why are you printing an article from the Communist Party?” It is instructive and important to understand who election security adversaries are and who they align […]
The Free Beacon: The Emperor of election manipulation has no clothes
Only in the election space of the left could an anti-vote security activist like Marc Elias thrive. And thrive he has for decades, as the man behind the curtain, dismantling […]
Washington Examiner: Biden Administration explanation for turning agencies into GOTV activists: Crickets
May 4, 2022Unlawful, taxpayer-funded intimidation of Americans seeking assistance from our federal agencies is the crux of the Biden Administration’s Executive Order to register voters. Federal agencies already cost taxpayers trillions of dollars every […]
Just the News: Democrat’s chief election manipulator undermines election confidence in his own voters
Mark Elias is the left’s head election manipulator. This Democrat operative has never found an election integrity measure he likes, nor an opportunity fraud he does not. What actually is voter suppression […]
Carolina Journal: “Not on Our Watch” North Carolina Republican officials must not ignore voter roll discrepancies
April 29, 2022A report from the Public Interest Legal Foundation has identified nearly 65,000 “voters” who recently voted from the grave, another state, or from multiple addresses. After being provided the data and the […]
Tallahassee Democrat: Florida’s new criminal penalties for fraudsters cause liberal meltdown
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new election integrity bill into law on April 25 that creates a state agency with the power to investigate and prosecute fraud when local […]
The Federalist: Montana’s magical ballot problem
April 19, 2022Whether a state is “blue” or “red,” every legitimate vote must be accurately counted and recorded. Because Montana chose Donald Trump with 60% of the vote in 2020, its election […]

War Room: Election Integrity Movement: Patriots ensuring ballots lawfully cast are not cast aside
In a recent segment on Steve Bannon’s War Room, Election Integrity Network’s Cleta Mitchell takes no prisoners discussing the growing election integrity movement that engages ordinary citizens fighting for fair […]
Fox News: The left floats new fraud initiative: Mandatory voting
April 14, 2022Voting is one of our most treasured civic duties, and like other fundamental Constitutional freedoms, Americans have the freedom to participate, or choose not to. The liberals promoting this idea […]
Broad + Liberty: Testimony in Pennsylvania outlines corruptive influence of Mark Zuckerberg’s money
An investigative journalist with PA’s “non-mainstream” media center Broad + Liberty recently provided testimony to the state’s legislators on the corruptive influence of “Zuckbucks” in election offices. Using internal emails, […]

CBS 4 Miami: Liberal Florida judge issues discriminatory ruling on common sense voting rules
April 11, 2022Judge Mark Walker of the US District Court for the Northern District of Florida is an Obama appointee who sees voter “discrimination” lurking everywhere. Because of his liberal record, it […]
Breitbart: France: a country where strict voting rules are accepted and enforced
Many in the liberal media claim that any form of election security or voter identification is racist, discriminatory or causes emotional distress. They fully ignore any comparison between US voting […]
The Daily Signal: Vote fraud math demonstrates vote fraud is real
March 29, 2022A new study uses statistical and data analysis to identify possible vote fraud on a precinct-by-precinct basis. The study’s author, economist John Lott, isolated the vote-counting process of counties with fraud allegations […]
Roll Call: Liberal’s election corruption Plan B is a line item in the Biden budget
Unable to walk through the front door to loosen election security, liberals found the back door. As their attempts to steal Constitutional responsibility for election procedures from the states by […]
The Georgia Record: Irrefutable evidence of electronic manipulation in Fulton County’s 2020 results
March 13, 2022After a year-long intensive investigation of ballot images, Georgia’s election integrity watchdog group, VoterGA, has found verifiable irregularities in hundreds of thousands of ballot images — with 374,128 original images completely […]
WPBF News: Florida legislature passes first in the nation vote crime legislation
Florida’s House and Senate has passed vote crime legislation that was a priority of the DeSantis Administration with the bill heading to the Governor’s desk for signature. In response, Democrat’s […]
The North Jersey News: “There is no vote fraud!” except when there is
March 4, 2022Although liberals and Democrats tell us there is no vote fraud, cases keep popping up. Most recently, New Jersey, where three people have been indicted on multiple counts of fraud […]
Capital Research Center: “Ranked Choice:” When voting becomes a reptitious multiple choice test
Ranked choice voting (RCV) is not a good idea; it’s a left-wing idea — which by nature makes it an anti-election integrity idea. RCV allows voters to rank prefered candidates from favorite to least, […]