News & Updates

The Truth About the U.S. Alliance for ‘Election Excellence’: The Left’s Plans to Brainwash Local Election Officials Against Election Integrity and Transparency
February 1, 2023Jason Snead is the Executive Director of the Honest Elections Project, an organization that is a national leader in the effort to protect the rights of every lawful voter while advocating […]

Cleta Mitchell: Brief History of American Elections and How Citizen Engagement Can Save our Republic
January 25, 2023Have you ever wondered why we talk about candidates being on a “ticket”? What is the history of the secret ballot? Have elections always been run by government? Why should […]

Hans von Spakovsky: ALERT! “Rigged” Choice Voting Robs Voters of Ballots and Throws Elections Into Chaos
January 18, 2023In recent weeks, more citizens have become aware of a dangerous threat to America’s election process called “Ranked Choice Voting.” It is appearing in legislation in many states, mostly recently […]

Cleta Mitchell & Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County
January 11, 2023Please join Cleta as she interviews Verity Vote founder and Pennsylvania Fair Elections Coalition Chair Heather Honey, recently called as an expert witness in the post-2022 Arizona election integrity court case. With […]

Prophecy Fulfilled: the DOJ continues its “flabbergasting” leftist campaign against election integrity
January 4, 2023When this episode of “Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell” podcast originally aired in May of 2022, guest Maureen Riordan – a veteran attorney, retired from the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division – warned of the hyper-partisan and leftist ideology that dominates the DOJ swamp.

Mollie Hemingway Redux: Watch Again In the Wake of Twitter’s Internal Files Released Proving What Mollie Called the Seizure of the 2020 Election
December 28, 2022In October 2021, Cleta sat down with Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist and discussed her amazing book released in May 2021 about the 2020 election, Rigged: How the Media, Big […]

Merry Christmas from EIN!
December 21, 2022Please enjoy this heartfelt message from Election Integrity Network Chairman Cleta Mitchell, as she counts our many gifts and blessings — including you, our election integrity partners! Wishing a Merry […]

Exposing the left’s dangling golden carrot of election corruption
December 14, 2022Scott Walter is president of Capital Research Center — “America’s Investigative Think Thank” — an organization researching and reporting on the influence of special interests on policy, politics – and […]

Going forward from North Carolina: The “Business” of Free and Fair Elections
December 8, 2022This interview is part of EIN’s “After and Before” Who’s Counting With Cleta Mitchell Podcast series outlining the positive difference an election integrity infrastructure has in states with active local […]
Washington Examiner: Ranked Choice Voting Should be a Hard NO in Every State
November 30, 2022“Rigged” Choice Voting is terrible: full stop. It is terrible regardless of party. It is terrible regardless of who won or lost a recent RCV-based election. It is very confusing […]