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Epoch Times: North Carolina voters left unprotected by racially inspired judicial discrimination
September 24, 2021In 2018, North Carolina voters said yes to a constitutional amendment requiring government photo ID to confirm voter identity. A left-wing grievance group pushed a lawsuit claiming “racial discrimination” and […]
Exponent Telegram: Cuccinelli and Blackwell: Senator Joe Manchin cannot trip over his own red line
September 8, 2021After Democrats’ plan to exert partisan, federal control over elections failed in June, Joe Manchin (D-WV) publicly demanded new legislation be bi-partisan and contain voter ID. He rejected provisions making […]
American Greatness: EIN’s Cleta Mitchell asks and answers why progressives ignore high minority voter participation in America
September 8, 2021Upward trends in minority voting skyrocketed after the 1965 Voting Rights Act and continuing to increase. There is no organized voter “suppression.” Minority voters support photo ID to vote. Using […]
Welcome to Cleta’s Blog…about all things election integrity!
September 6, 2021As we head into fall post-Labor Day, there is much to do to protect America’s elections. The US House passed HR 4 by a margin of five votes…with Democrats claiming […]
The Federalist: Mitchell: “John Lewis Act” will corrupt elections and steal the political will of all voters
September 3, 2021HR 4 “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act just passed in the House by Democrats only is the direct opposite of “voting rights.” EIN’s Senior Legal Fellow Cleta Mitchell pulls […]
Breitbart: Trump suggests old ways are the best ways for voting
September 3, 2021The complexities of voting machines, lax vote safety enforcement, liberal lies about “suppression” and media refusal to cover fraud have led some Americans – including former President Trump – to […]
NEW! EIN provides data showing minority Americans are voting in high numbers and support voter ID
September 1, 2021Although liberals and their political allies continue to claim widespread voter suppression is occurring today, statistics show that nothing could be further from the truth. Election data reveals voting participation […]
NBC5Texas: Governor Abbot’s pen poised to usher in new election safeguards
September 1, 2021A key election integrity bill has passed the Texas legislature and Governor Greg Abbott is ready to sign it into law. The Governor’s statement on the bill highlighted that its provisions are […]

The Federalist: Texas House Dems’ tantrum did not stop efforts to shore up election security
August 30, 2021In running away to Washington DC to avoid voting on an election security bill, Texas House Democrats achieved nothing but to reveal to Texas voters that they were not willing […]
PILF to State Election Officials: Liberal politicians want to steal your Constitutional authority and jobs
August 30, 2021Control over election protocols is vested in the states through the Constitution and over 230 years of legal precedent. As Congressional Democrats push the “John Lewis Act” to unlawfully steal […]