New York Post: Are voters or Mark Zuckerberg in control of elections?

October 14, 2021

Aggressive progressives are finding more ways to work around the system to influence elections for their own agenda. They are unconcerned about the integrity of the system or access for […]

The Truth Behind Who’s “Enforcing” Our Election Laws

October 13, 2021

What can citizens do to ensure election integrity in 2022 and beyond? J. Christian Adams from the Public Interest Legal Foundation joins Cleta Mitchell to discuss the steps we can […]

Update on 2020 Georgia Election Audit

October 13, 2021

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has now admitted in a court filing that YES, those workers in Fulton County WERE processing ballots into the night on November 3, 2020, […]

Election lawbreakers in both parties skewed results in 2020

October 6, 2021

In this introductory episode of Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell, the country’s premier election expert reveals documented shenanigans by activist liberals in the judiciary from Montana to Georgia and beyond […]

The Patriot Post: The Left’s propaganda about voter suppression is a manipulative, political lie

October 5, 2021

When liberals tell falsehoods about “voter suppression” they tell big ones. Their most disgraceful lies are that minority voters are discriminated against as they were during the national embarrassment that […]

Washington Examiner: Senate Democrats’ Judiciary hearing witness promotes divisive racial agenda

October 5, 2021

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats held a hearing in early October to push bills that corrupt and undermine fair elections. With a title worthy of Saturday Night Live — “Protecting a Precious, Almost […]

Washington Examiner: 80% of Manchin supporters say no to feds taking over state elections

October 5, 2021

A recent poll of West Virginians by the Honest Elections Project makes it clear that citizens of the Mountain State — particularly supporters of Senator Joe Manchin – do not want federal […]

Honest Elections Project: “Freedom to Cheat Act”- Nutshell version

October 2, 2021

Election integrity experts at Honest Elections Project have put together a primer on what Democrats are calling the “Freedom to Vote Act” which is, in reality, an open door to […]

New York Post: Build back vote fraud better funds included in Biden Bill

October 2, 2021

President Joe Biden and Capitol Hill Democrats have made sure that the left’s “community organizations” – notorious for ballot trafficking, voter intimidation and the presentation of magical ballots — are […]

The Hill: “Freedom to Cheat Act” could be on the Senate’s agenda next week

October 2, 2021

Senator Angus King of Maine (claims to be an “I” but caucuses with the “Ds”) has telegraphed that the misnamed “Freedom to Vote Act” he co-sponsored could rear its ugly […]

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