
Stop Ranked-Choice Voting!

Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) at a Glance

Talking Points to Fight RCV | Election Integrity Network

Stop RCV One Pager |

Stop RCV Overview | Election Integrity Network

RCV Funding One Pager | Capital Research Center

The Truth About Ranked-Choice Voting – What is Ranked-Choice Voting and why is it being pushed now? | Foundation for Government Accountability 

More Details on RCV

Ranked Choice Voting Would Undermine Voter Confidence and Disenfranchise Voters | Honest Elections Project

Ranked-Choice Voting: A Disaster in Disguise | Foundation for Government Accountability 

Ranked Choice Voting Is a Bad Choice | The Heritage Foundation

Burlington Vermont City Election Information on Ranked Choice Voting

The Case Against Ranked-Choice Voting | Texas Public Policy Foundation 

Where’s the evidence supporting Ranked Choice Voting Claims? | University of Minnesota – Depts of Policial Science and Public Affairs

News articles

Democrats Are Forcing Ranked-Choice Voting On Alaskans Who Oppose It | The Federalist

How uncertainty sank Richmond’s plan to be first to adopt ranked-choice voting | Virginia Mercury

After June Primary, Virginia County Halts Use of Ranked Choice Voting | Epoch Times

Republicans make moves to ban ranked choice voting before it reaches the Arizona ballot

Pros and Cons of Ranked-Choice Voting | NewsMax

Idaho Rejects Left’s Latest Election Tampering Scheme | Newsmax

In Our View: Ranked-choice voting cons outweigh the pros | The Columbian

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