Cleta talks with election law expert Hans von Spakovsky about the key details of Heritage’s new comprehensive Election Integrity Scorecard that rates every state and Washington, DC on their election laws and statutes for election fairness and security. The scorecard is not a performance indicator, but covers twelve broad legal protections including voter ID, ballot harvesting rules, integrity of voter rolls. It also provides forty-seven criteria to create a plan for best practices.
Cleta and Hans also discuss lawsuit abuse by the left that harms vote security, and the dangers of election officials receiving private money for “get out the vote” efforts that fall far out of their purview. Together with Election Integrity Network’s Citizen’s Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure, these two resources are invaluable tools for legislators, election officials, and citizens to engage and ensure there is zero-tolerance for any unlawful vote.
Hans von Spakosvky is the Senior Legal Fellow for The Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. He is a former official with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and the former Chairman of both the Federal Election Commission and the Fulton County, Georgia County Election Board. His new book, Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote, co-authored with National Review’s John Fund, is available on Amazon.