Ned Jones: Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections

Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell
Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell
Ned Jones: Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections

Election Integrity Network’s Citizen’s Research Project is a nationwide collaborative effort engaging volunteers who are researching the left’s billionaire-funded efforts to manipulate election results by taking over local election offices. The Citizen’s Research Project is directed by Ned Jones, Deputy Director of the Election Integrity Network, who is Cleta’s guest on this week’s episode of Who’s Counting?

After years of public service in New Jersey, Ned moved to Virginia and served as a poll watcher in 2020. He was alarmed by what he saw. Seeking answers to election issues and problems he had witnessed, Ned began researching the outside influences in elections. He identified myriad left-wing non-profits mobilized to influence and manipulate every aspect of the election system.

Ned researched the granddaddy of all left-wing billionaire influence over elections: Mark Zuckerberg’s hundreds of millions of dollars used to turn election offices into Democrat turnout machines in key Democratic counties and cities in 2020. It was enough to elect Joe Biden. Now, we see “Zuckerbuxx 2.0” arriving on the scene, except now it is billionaire Bill Gates leading the charge to manipulate the 2024 elections.

Ned talks about how citizen researchers are unearthing more information every week about this massive effort to undermine the independence of America’s elections.

Ned directs the Citizen’s Research Project and its weekly National Working Group call (join at www.Whoscounting.US). In this episode of Who’s Counting? Ned describes the National Working Group and the information identified by the citizen researchers. Join us for a discussion with Ned Jones and learn how you can be part of stopping the invasion of election offices by left-wing advocacy groups.
Join Ned and hundreds of other patriots across the nation who are fighting the Leftwing billionaire takeover of the election systems.

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