Linda Kerns is a native Philadelphian and election integrity lawyer who has made it her professional mission to create a culture of clean and fair elections in the City of Brotherly love. Linda has been immersed in legal procedures and litigation for decades designed to provide oversight and transparency to elections in Philly and for the entire state of Pennsylvania.
A long time friend and professional colleague of Cleta’s, Linda walks Cleta through her journey of election integrity advocacy from her first days as a lone GOP election worker in Philadelphia, to spending every election day in the City’s unique election court questioning suspicious “stacks” of dubious ballots (one by one) and on to advocating for election protections in the courts.
As an PA election attorney for President Donald Trump in 2020, Linda had numerous threatening and obscene texts, emails and phone messages calling her a @#$% and telling her to ^&*+. Linda even had threats from other attorneys who were in the opposing political camp.
Yet, she remains undaunted. Listen as Linda related her story of courage, tenacity and principle to Cleta in this edition of Who’s Counting.