Garland Favorito, the “Pied Piper” of election integrity in Georgia, reveals his many years of vigorous advocacy of election integrity and the challenges he has faced in his efforts to protect the voters of Georgia.

Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell
Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell
Garland Favorito, the “Pied Piper” of election integrity in Georgia, reveals his many years of vigorous advocacy of election integrity and the challenges he has faced in his efforts to protect the voters of Georgia.

Garland Favorito is the founder and leader of  Garland is a career Information Technology (IT) professional with over 40 years of in-depth experience and over 17 years of volunteer research into electronic voting systems. He also serves as a volunteer Elections Director for the Constitution Party of Georgia.  Garland first became alarmed nearly twenty years ago about a proposed voting machine system for Georgia after watching a demonstration.  He began to warn others about what he calls “unverifiable” machine voting, where a voter does not get confirmation of his or her vote, and the system fails to protect against potential for manipulation of the systems.  

Garland founded which advocates for transparency and accountability in all aspects of voting, Garland has significant concerns with the lack of a verifiable paper trail in machine voting and has spent years raising the alarm and educating citizens about the need for all voting systems to provide each voter with an instant record of his vote and to follow basic standards of security against 

Garland and Cleta discuss their frustration with the lawsuits filed in the state that documented irregularities and illegal votes that were cast and counted in the 2020 Presidential election in Georgia 

Listen as they discuss the more than 17K missing Fulton ballot images, and the election surveillance videos in over 100 counties, that have magically disappeared or been destroyed since voting day 2020. They dive deep into the election problems in Georgia and how citizens can and must get involved to help protect our elections. 

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