Heather Honey, the founder of Verity Vote, is an open-source investigator. Utilizing her expert research skills in a new report, Heather exposes the secret connection whereby ERIC, (Electronic Registration Information Center.) a taxpayer-funded entity, is a primary obstacle to cleaning America’s voter rolls.
Founded and initially funded by the left ostensibly to “help” with voter roll accuracy, its real mission is to create new Democrat voters from a database of Americans who have declined to register to vote. Heather discusses how her research exposes the relationship between ERIC and the Center for Election Innovation and Research, one of the two entities funded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2020 to drive up Democrat turnout through local and state election offices in key states
Join Cleta and Heather as they discuss why state participation in ERIC is a threat to election integrity and how state tax dollars, flowing through ERIC, are really being used for partisan political projects to build Democratic turnout in elections.