Ep 76: Today’s Election Integrity Patriots Honor Yesterday’s Heroes

Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell
Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell
Ep 76: Today’s Election Integrity Patriots Honor Yesterday’s Heroes

This week as Memorial Day 2023 approaches, Cleta reflects on the sacrifices made by our nation’s fallen military heroes in this special edition of Who’s Counting?

The first “Memorial Day” commemoration was held in 1866 as “Decoration Day” – a time to decorate the graves of the civil war dead. In 1971, Congress made Memorial Day a holiday to be held on the last Monday of May.

From the Revolutionary War through modern conflicts, men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice on our shores and abroad to protect freedom and give their lives in defense of America’s founding principles so deeply rooted in human freedom. Arguably, and constitutionally, one of those greatest principles is a system of free, fair and accurate elections.

Listen as Cleta walks through a list of election integrity principles – both eternal and modern – that comport with our founding and honor the sacrifices of those Americans we lost through war and conflict. 

Grab your flag. Grab your pencil. Honor them; join us.

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