In this first anniversary episode of our Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell podcast, Cleta recounts the building of the Election Integrity Infrastructure across America in 2021 and 2022. But MOST importantly, Cleta summons everyone to TAKE ACTION NOW to help save our elections:
Sign up to be a Poll Worker or Poll Watcher in YOUR state!
Visit www.WhosCounting.US and click on our pop-up “Uncle Sam” to volunteer as a poll worker or poll watcher. There are links to both the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee websites for signing up to engage in the elections.
Nothing is more important this fall than YOUR involvement in observing and assisting in making sure the elections are conducted according to the law!
Cleta describes in this episode the many resources that EIN has produced over the past year that are available to YOU to help protect the elections in YOUR local area. EIN hosted eight statewide training summits this year, and there are now seventeen statewide election integrity coalitions meeting online weekly, with more coming soon. Watch for more information on our website as we build out the state-by-state information.
Visit the EIN website: www.whoscounting.us to sign up!
Under our “Resources” tab on www.WhosCounting.US, you can download the Citizen Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure and also watch our short “Election Integrity Master Class” videos which cover all the topics in the Guide. It is all free to you and we want you to watch, read, use, and share.
In this Podcast, Cleta notes that the government only derives “its just powers” through the consent of the governed. We give and withdraw our consent through elections. WE as the American voters have the power to make elections more secure and transparent, and we must continue to fearlessly band together to make that happen.
And it all starts with WATCHING! OBSERVING! WORKING!
So sign up….get trained….get assigned to watch the voting process in your local area. America is counting on YOU!