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ERIC: The Force Behind Bloated Voter Rolls, Leaks Citizen Data to Leftwing Founder’s Nonprofit
September 14, 2022Heather Honey, the founder of Verity Vote, is an open-source investigator. Utilizing her expert research skills in a new report, Heather exposes the secret connection whereby ERIC, (Electronic Registration Information Center) a […]

The Palin Precedent & “Rigged” Choice Voting
September 7, 2022The Left’s Deliberate Plan for Election Confusion with Ranked Choice Voting. The Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow, Hans von Spakovsky, is an attorney and nationally renowned expert in election law […]

Tales from the crypt: the Department of Justice’s Voting “Left” Section
August 31, 2022In the aftermath of the unprecedented August, 2022 raid on President Donald Trump’s personal residence, it is clear that the FBI has become a puppet of the left. But who […]

Who’s Counting Banned from YouTube
August 10, 2022The Department of Justice is supposed to be nonpartisan, dedicated solely to equal justice under law. With the unprecedented raid this week of former President Trump’s home and office at […]
Vote-by-mail is the worst way to run an election
August 4, 20222020 was the first time an election was conducted by mass vote-by-mail. It was a train wreck. According to federal data, election officials do not know what happened to nearly […]

Biden Executive Order: Federal Agencies to Use Tax Dollars for Democratic Political Campaign Plans in 2022 Election
August 3, 2022One of the lefty publications in Washington, POLITICO, published an attempted hit piece attacking Cleta Mitchell this week for her presentation at the Arizona Election Integrity Summit in March 2022 – during which Cleta talked about […]
U.S. News: New Mexico judge upholds election transparency for state voters
July 27, 2022Knowledge is power, and transparency is knowledge. The Voter Reference Foundation publishes voter lists that are already lawful public information, but often kept from the public by high fees from secretaries of […]
The Daily Caller: The left lives on opposite day on vote protection laws
July 27, 2022Election laws that enhance voting safeguards increase voter confidence, assure people their personal vote will count, and thereby increase voter turnout. The move toward voter ID, signature verification and hardening […]
Daily Signal: Biden DOJ’s panders to illegal aliens and sabotages citizen voters
July 20, 2022Only in a liberal alternate universe does the President of the United States sue a state over that state’s adherence to federal law, but that is exactly what the Biden […]
The Federalist: “Republican” Swamp Report Betrays Conservatives and Harms all Voters
July 20, 2022To design a misleading message you can make stuff up or leave stuff out. A recent report from a group of (self-proclaiming) Republicans who reside deep in the swamp arguably did […]