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Peaceful.  Lawful.  Honest: How Citizen Volunteer Poll Observers and Election Integrity Advocates Will Triumph Over Leftist Media Attacks

When the left gets nervous, it unleashes baseless attacks on good people through its cheerleaders in the media. In recent years, the anti-election integrity left has done its best to water down election protections and is now ramping up its rhetoric with not-so-subtle threats against election integrity advocates and poll observers.

“Do not be dismayed!” notes EIN Chairman Cleta Mitchell. Her advice? Be “right and polite,” never lose your temper when observing voting in your local precincts, and never raise your voice – even under the most trying of circumstances. “Observe, report and document” is the role of the election observer, and strictly following these “eyes and ears only” guidelines is the recipe for success.  

For over a year, EIN has focused on educating citizens of any party interested in protecting all ballots, with the goal of empowering election observers with information, resources and confidence necessary to become involved in the election process. Patriots and conservatives are engaged at greater levels than ever, and the left – with its goal of further destabilizing elections – doesn’t like it, and are metaphorically banging their spoons on their highchairs in protest. 

Cleta walks through the current meritless threats from the media, the pre-emptive negative coverage election observers are receiving, and specific instances where “eyes on every ballot” have made an enormous difference for election integrity.

Citizens not only have the right to engage in the election process; they have an obligation to do so. “Peaceful. Lawful. Honest.” This is the formula for ensuring that everyday citizens (not leftist elites) can engage in election integrity without fear but with great success.

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