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It’s time for you to get involved in the election process

The Democrats and their leftwing zealot allies are in a lather because citizens are becoming engaged in the election process in their local areas, across the country. As they did in Virginia in 2021, citizens are realizing that their presence is necessary in the election offices – not just during voting, as watchers, but every day, throughout the year: attending election board meetings, researching what’s going on in the election offices, learning how elections are conducted in their home areas. This is a top priority of CPI’s Election Integrity Network, which I chair. It is why we have published the Citizens Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure, which can be downloaded from this website. Citizens Guide – Election Integrity Network (

It is why we are building state election integrity coalitions and jump-starting local election integrity task forces. And, guess what? The left HATES it.  Just as they deem parents’ getting involved in school boards as ‘domestic terrorism’, they are getting more and more agitated about citizen engagement in the election process.

In Michigan, where activists are signing people up to serve as poll workers, the ACLU is questioning what they are doing and why. Maybe the ACLU should read the Michigan statutes that require parity between the political parties in the designation of election workers. Yet, in 2020, with more than 5,000 slots to fill in Detroit, there were only 174 Republican poll workers. That is a violation of Michigan law and it is vital that citizens in Michigan and in EVERY state get involved and engaged in becoming poll workers, poll observers, and being part of a citizens’ effort to reclaim control of our elections – and not leave the entire field of elections open for leftist control. That has been, unfortunately, the situation for more than a decade as the left has built multiple entities, funded by wealthy leftwing billionaires, which have become part of the fabric of the election offices nationwide.   

Because citizens are awakening to the threats from the leftist’s control of our election systems, and getting engaged at the state and local levels, the panic in the Democratic Party and the vast network of leftist voting organizations is becoming palpable. Even President Biden got into the act today, spouting the left’s latest attacks on the involvement of conservatives in the election system, as guaranteed by the laws of all the states.

When asked about election legislation this week, the president of the United States of America stated, “It’s not who can vote, but who gets to count the vote. Who counts the vote—that’s what this is about.” 

Bingo. It is why this website is named It is why our podcast is Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell.  

The left has been counting and controlling the election process with no oversight from us for too long. Those days are over. And the President of the United States doesn’t like it. Tough. We must redouble our efforts.

A great column by our colleagues in the election integrity battle, The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell, and Lori Roman, President of the American Constitutional Rights Union, is linked below.

Biden: It’s Not Who Can Vote, But Who Gets to Count the Vote (

If you are not engaged in the fight, please start today. We want to help every American become engaged in the election process. It belongs to us. We need to be there, be involved, be engaged, and restore the confidence of the American people in the outcome of the elections. That is vital to the future of our Republic.

For the episode of Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell that features my interview with Ken Blackwell, click this link.   Election Integrity creates a new Time for Choosing: An Interview with The Honorable Ken Blackwell – Election Integrity Network – Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell (

Subscribe to the podcast and share with your friends. It is going to take all of us if we are going to wrest control of our election systems from the left. And they are going to fight us every step of the way.  

I’m ready. Are you?

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